Glo Dollar 2.0: the stablecoin that funds public goods. Learn more.

Join the Glo movement. You can help in big and small ways.

Doing any of the following helps a ton—and directly contributes to lifting people out of poverty.

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Quick ways to help spread the word:

  1. Quote-tweet our Twitter announcement
  2. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and join Discord
  3. Share what you think about Glo! Post to Twitter [example] or LinkedIn

While we’re pre-launch, our focus is on spreading the word.

After Glo launches, our focus will be on getting people to put some of their savings in Glo, getting payment platforms to support Glo, and getting crypto traders to use Glo as their stablecoin. The more people know about Glo, the easier this becomes. Let's spread the word as widely as possible so we can hit the ground running after launch.

0. Follow Glo! Click the button on Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or YouTube.

And come say hi on our Discord server! It's where we gather as a community. Especially share it if you've taken any of the steps on this page. We'd love to hear that, and thank you personally.

1. Announce your intention to put some money in Glo after we've launched. This is the strongest signal of support, so, thank you ❤️.

If Glo supporters vow to convert some of their savings into Glo, and then announce this on Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, this draws a lot of attention. People will wonder what this Glo thing is all about. As a reminder, converting money to Glo means your savings passively lift people out of poverty.

2. Talk about us on social mediaNot ready to pledge your savings? Just talking about us tremendously helps too. Some examples:

  • Quote-tweet our announcement
  • Write a Twitter thread about Glo (see example)
  • Create a LinkedIn post sharing that you found out about Glo / what you think of us (example)

3. Identify as a Glo supporter on Twitter or LinkedIn

You can do this in many ways:

  • Mention Glo in your Twitter bio, e.g. add @GLO_incomecoin, $Glo, “Glo supporter” or “Let’s end poverty $Glo”
  • Add a LinkedIn job position as “Supporter” at Glo to your profile. This is nice because your network will see this in an update. If you intend to put some savings in Glo, you can say “I will put $1000 of my savings in Glo when it launches.” in the description.
  • Change your cover photo to one of the Glo banners

4. If you have a podcast, blog, Substack, or YouTube channel: create content about us

If you want to interview anyone in the Glo team for your content, we’re very happy to do that.

5. Follow our pre-launch progress

If you want to know how we’re ramping up for launch:

This could be the info box

In this program, GiveDirectly identifies impoverished African villages to give their citizens $30 per month, transferred via mobile money technology, for 3-5 years. For people living on less than $2/day this is a transformational amount.
Glo's economic model is to invest its reserve in short-term Treasury bills and give the proceeds away entirely to GiveDirectly.

References (this is a heading2)

  • This is a list for references
  • reference 2
  • reference 3

This is additional reference text

How you can help Glo

Join the Glo movement. You can help in big and small ways.

Doing any of the following helps a ton—and directly contributes to lifting people out of poverty.

Everyone on this page is going to buy Glo at launch 👇


Quick ways to help spread the word:

  1. Quote-tweet our Twitter announcement
  2. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and join Discord
  3. Share what you think about Glo! Post to Twitter [example] or LinkedIn

While we’re pre-launch, our focus is on spreading the word.

After Glo launches, our focus will be on getting people to put some of their savings in Glo, getting payment platforms to support Glo, and getting crypto traders to use Glo as their stablecoin. The more people know about Glo, the easier this becomes. Let's spread the word as widely as possible so we can hit the ground running after launch.

0. Follow Glo! Click the button on Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or YouTube.

And come say hi on our Discord server! It's where we gather as a community. Especially share it if you've taken any of the steps on this page. We'd love to hear that, and thank you personally.

1. Announce your intention to put some money in Glo after we've launched. This is the strongest signal of support, so, thank you ❤️.

If Glo supporters vow to convert some of their savings into Glo, and then announce this on Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, this draws a lot of attention. People will wonder what this Glo thing is all about. As a reminder, converting money to Glo means your savings passively lift people out of poverty.

2. Talk about us on social mediaNot ready to pledge your savings? Just talking about us tremendously helps too. Some examples:

  • Quote-tweet our announcement
  • Write a Twitter thread about Glo (see example)
  • Create a LinkedIn post sharing that you found out about Glo / what you think of us (example)

3. Identify as a Glo supporter on Twitter or LinkedIn

You can do this in many ways:

  • Mention Glo in your Twitter bio, e.g. add @GLO_incomecoin, $Glo, “Glo supporter” or “Let’s end poverty $Glo”
  • Add a LinkedIn job position as “Supporter” at Glo to your profile. This is nice because your network will see this in an update. If you intend to put some savings in Glo, you can say “I will put $1000 of my savings in Glo when it launches.” in the description.
  • Change your cover photo to one of the Glo banners

4. If you have a podcast, blog, Substack, or YouTube channel: create content about us

If you want to interview anyone in the Glo team for your content, we’re very happy to do that.

5. Follow our pre-launch progress

If you want to know how we’re ramping up for launch:

Alexander Drummond
Director of Partnerships
Deborah Lightfoot
Head of Finance & Reserves
Garm Lucassen
Co-founder & CTO
Jeffrey Milewski
Co-founder & CEO
Jasper Driessens
Co-founder & Head of marketing
Bram Voets
Alexander Drummond
Director of Partnerships
Deborah Lightfoot
Head of Finance & Reserves
Garm Lucassen
Co-founder & CTO
Jeffrey Milewski
Co-founder & CEO
Jasper Driessens
Co-founder & Head of marketing
Bram Voets

Worldwide   •   Full remote

Worldwide   •   Full remote

Worldwide   •   Full remote
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